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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

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shola meair 25.11.2023

Wanz TD Was Here.

"United in solidarity, we stand firm in supporting the freedom of Palestine. Every step we take, every prayer we offer, is a resounding voice for liberation from the grip of conflict. Let us come together for peace and justice, striving to realize the long-awaited dream of independence for the people of Palestine. #FreePalestine"


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WanzTD / T3Dimension Malaysia Was Here

Wanz TD -T3D Malaysia-


In light of the circumstances, we have decided to postpone the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations encounter scheduled for this week. We assess that holding the meeting at this time is counterproductive to its goals.

We continue to advance professional conflict resolution negotiations in order to highlight the possible layout for a long term agreement and reconciliation.

the peacehub team